Friday, March 6, 2015

Inside My Thoughts

When I am inside my brain, I am in a scary place. Any distraction keeps the darkness at bay. As reality rushes back to me, thought after thought washes over. Each thought is worse than the one before, and any glimmer of hope is quickly drowned by the overwhelming reality. I look at others, and wonder, and sink deeper and deeper into the inner chasm.

Lungs fill up with thick and tangible darkness. I can feel it. I feel it rise from the innermost pits of hell. I feel it working it's way through my limbs. It encircles every nerve. As if by command, it clenches. The tentacles tighten around my neck. Something stops my heart from beating. Brain is racing but frozen at the same time. The cold works its way in. The end is near. I am alone.

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